Posted by : INT Monday, July 21, 2014

The movie begins with Medusa and Phoenix at an Infinite Monster Plant while wondering what did the Akumaizers trying do with the captured Gates that were captured and bound to a machine as Atlar Zodiarts, Jewel Dopant, Siam-Neko Yummy, Dustards, Waste Yummy and Masquerade Dopants produced from it and went out. Soon, the Akumaizers entering their base while defeating the Ghouls with their Jankels. The Akumaizers introduce themselves and revealed that it was all part of their plan to excecute their vengeance towards humans for sending them underground with Phoenix starts to develop an interest for them. But however, Medusa revealed that their plan is a bit slow though Gahra revealed that they will use the Zeber much to Eel's dismay since he had revealed the plans. Eel receive a briefcase from Xatan and teleports away five years in the future. Medusa also reveals that they destination here were actually an order from Wiseman as he takes an interest to them.

Five years later at a country in South America where a group of smugglers recently abduct Ryusei. He was sent to arrest them for selling physic soldiers to criminal groups. The soldiers' boss reveals that he's working with Kageto Banba, who has a Zodiarts Switch. Ryusei quickly escapes and knocking out some of the man's henchmens. Four of them use physic powers to burn Ryusei. He realize that they were using pyrokinesis revealing that they are physic soldiers. Inga arrives and fires the henchmens with Ryusei use his Jeet Kun Do attack to knocking out every single one of them and transforms into Kamen Rider Meteor. Ryusei picks up a sticker on them revealing Zodiarts were also involved in this case.
At the Amanogawa High School, Haruka was greeted by Mr. Ohsugi, who congratulates her for the 5th year anniversary of her Kickboxing Club. Haruka wonders what happened to the Kamen Rider Club with Ohsugi replies that now it has only one member and that the person now becomes it's advisor. While Gentaro trying to fix his hairstyle, Miyoko suddenly fell from her bike with Gentaro jumps from the window and grabs her in the nick of time. Miyoko thanked him for saving her with all of the students amazed at their teacher's action. Saburo silently watches him. Mr. Satake (now a principal) commended Gentaro while advising that his personality makes him a good teacher than a real teacher much to Gentaro's puzzles.
At the classroom, Gentaro and Miyoko brought a television which records his old friend, Yuki during her time at a space station. Yuki reveals that she was actually trying to contact the Presenters while announcing him that she will brought a friend but she'll kept it's identity a secret until she gets back in three days. Saburo disturbs the class with his prediction where Yuki would died on her way back to Earth and later uses his physic powers and disturbs the class while declaring himself as the Leader of the Monster League along with his subordinates and leave the classroom.
Gentaro later seeks help from Mr. Ohsugi and Ms. Haruka to catch the misbehaving students as he chases after Saburo. After outsmarting Ohsugi, Rumi flees as Haruka unable to use her kickboxing ability on Daita's fat body and use his sonic scream along with Nezu to throw her away. After chasing through neighbourhood houses, Saburo later transforms into Sanagiman and fights Gentaro who has transformed into Fourze. Though Fourze finally overpowers Saburo with Fire States, Kageto Banba interrupts and give Sanagiman his Zeber which amplify his sonic powers. Though the Zeber was actually incomplete, but it amuse him enough as Kageto strikes Fourze with his Kanabo as Hercules Zodiarts.
Meteor finally arrives and rescues Gentaro while saying that they must re-mobilize the previous members of the club in order to fight Kageto. Gentaro meets up with Miu who is now a fashion model, Shun who is an international football star and JK who is now a journalist while Ryusei finds Tomoko who is a successful author. Finally Gentaro meets Kengo at as science lab where he is trying to understand Cosmic Energy so he can get to meet the Presenters. They both discuss their attempts to further the dreams of Kengo's father and Gamou, and Kengo brings up how being a teacher seems to suit Gentaro who notes that he was shown the way thanks to a photo of him and his class. Kengo notes that, despite the fact the photo should be recent, it actually looks old.
At Kageto's base, the Monster League describes to the Physic Neo-Humans use their sonic powers to complete the Zeber so that they can rule the Earth by destroying all of the space pods that were trying to return to Earth so humans would not developing in space exploration. Kageto went to his lab and had a conversation with Eel about trading his Zeber for a briefcase of cash.
At the Amanogawa High School, Ryusei reveals the information of Kageto Banba to the others. Banba was actually Gamou's companion but he shifted to studying physic powers. JK reveals that he also heard about the rumors of physic powers where Kageto stationed at a base called The Village which had recently selling physic soldiers to many terrorist organizations. Yuki (via Astroswitch Kaban) tells that she will be okay and no matter what happen, she will return to Earth. Miyoko was ordered to stay behind under Gentaro's orders.
Back to The Village, the Zeber has completed and Kageto informs that it's time to destroy the space pods. Kageto gives the Monster League members a sticker each one in order to stay connected to the Zeber. Gentaro and the Space Kamen Rider Club stop them as the Burgermeal reveals a video where a Neo-Human was abducted with Kageto demonstrate that the sticker allows them to control Neo-Humans so that they will do their nefarious bidding. Inga appears on the video while revealing that the Neo-Humans had been tricked all along so that they would be sold as physic soldiers for black marketing to all criminal organizations. Realized that his plan had been foiled, Kageto transforms into Hercules Zodiart while summoning his Dustards to attack the Monster League and the Space Kamen Rider Club members as Gentaro and Ryusei transforms.
While fighting, the Space Kamen Rider and the Monster League united and withstand the Dustards. Saburo as Sanagiman appears in front of Fourze and attacks him. As he about to use the Zeber, Miyoko appears and hit his hand with a rod and takes the Zeber while proving that she also wants to fight due to her desire of protecting Yuki and swears not to let Saburo (addressed as a monster by Miyoko) destroy her dreams. Shocked of her words, Sanagiman reveals that this is how he was treated as a child. After the discovery of his newfound power, everyone is terrified by him even his parents making him grew as a gruesome person. Miyoko suddenly apologize to Saburo, knowing that she had never understand Saburo's feeling at all. As Saburo about to attack her, Hercules burst in and abducts Miyoko. Gentaro, in a last-ditch attempt to reach Saburo and after apologising to an understanding Kengo, untransforms and throws the Fourze Driver into a furnace, destroying it. Knowing that he can no longer transform into a Kamen Rider, Gentaro finally begins to make Sanagiman understand.
Hercules defeats Meteor and throws Miyoko away while placing the Zeber on the laser beam tower. Saburo appears and transforms in Inazuman and easily defeated the menace once and for all. Hercules untransforms into Kageto with Ryusei destroy the switch and quickly handcuffs him. Inazuman reverts back to his human form with Miyoko covering her eyes as Gentaro and Kengo realized that Saburo is naked and uses the Space Kamen Rider Club flag to cover him. Gentaro and everyone witness that an space pod is entering the Earth as Kengo identifies it as Yuki's. But however, Eel interferes, testing the Zeber’s power by destroys the escape pod with Kageto's laser beam tower. As everyone watches in horror, however Kamen Rider Nadeshiko appears, revealing that she was brought to Earth by Yuki and rescued her from the space pod's destruction. Nadeshiko later uses her Nadeshiko Rocket Kick and destroys the laser beam tower. She reveals that she had met XVII once and rode on a meteorite to the Milky Way in order to go to Earth. Eel tries to escape by creating a portal which brought him back five years into the past as Gentaro, Ryusei and Nadeshiko follows him as Kengo throws along with a Nuggesto Tsunugget. Before confronting the Akumaizers, Gentaro bumps into his past self (while the photo of his class of students is unknowingly thrown out) and asks him to lend him the Fourze Driver.

Back to the scene where the Infinite Monster Plant is, Haruto watches the Monster Army as he sits on the Machine Winger while eating his doughnut. Haruto’s friend quickly follows him as he tossed the bag of doughnut to Shunpei. Rinko already knows that this is the location where the kidnapped Gates detected via her investigations with Koyomi realized that none of the monsters are Phantoms. Haruto transforms into Kamen Rider Wizard and battles while using all of his forms and finishes the remaining army.
Back at the Infinite Monster Plant, Eel emerges from the portal while bringing the Zeber to Xatan. The Nuggesto Tsunugget from earlier hides under a rubble while recording the Akumaizer’s work. As Wizard and his friends entered the base, Shunpei mistaken the Akumaizers for Phantoms as Medusa explaining about them and Phoenix reveals that they were the demons who were arise from under the Earth. Xatan invites Wizard to join his team explaining that the humans had been rejecting wizards and demons for being grotesque. As Wizard not under standing anything at all, the Akumaizers take out their Jankels and triple-teamed the hero and finishes him with their signature formation: Akumajin Attack. The Akumaizers entrusts the Phantoms to take care of them while entering the Gates’ Underworld. Medusa explains that to stop them, they must get into the Underworld as they also share a disliking towards them and leaves. Wizard puts on the Engage Ring on one of the Gates and enters the Underworld. After witnessing the Lion-Kurage Yummy appears, Shunpei pushed Rinko, as they also enter the Underworld. However, as the portal closes, Koyomi was left behind with the Yummy.
Haruto awaken by Koyomi in the Okagedomo Antique Shop and notice something strange happening to her and Wajima, which they say it is Poitrine's birthday. As he wondering who is Poitrine, he witness a group of children surrounded by Ghouls via Koyomi’s crystal ball. Haruto mounts the Machine Winger and transforms into Kamen Rider Wizard. The scene moves to Rinko, who awakes at a sofa of the Torizaka Police Station which her chief waking her up. She apologizes but her chief happily replies that today is Poitrine’s birthday leaving her puzzled. Shunpei awakes at the Donut Shop Hungry truck where he is served a plate of donuts by Ryo, the worker of the restaurant itself. Shunpei said that he didn’t order yet any donut but the worker replies that it is free during the birthday celebration for the same foretold mystery woman. After eating a lot of donuts, he bumped into Rinko, who at the same time wondering what was happened. After witnessing Wizard riding his motorcycle, they suspected that a Phantom might acting out as the follows him. As the Ghouls led by Cockroach Dopant and Pyxis Zodiarts approaching the kids, Wizard arrives where they are and let Rinko and Shunpei getting the children away. However before they can escape, they notice that people are acting like zombies, which they are wondering what happen. Wizard fight some of the Ghouls, until a young lady named Yu Kamimura arrived and morphs into Poitrine. After she transform, the people started to cheer for Poitrine and the monsters started to attack which made Wizard curious. After the fight, Wizard notice the Pyxis Zodiarts and Cockroach Dopant are escaping, but Poitrine stop him and tell Wizard that they will disappear, which they did. Suprisingly, she also knows the true identity of Wizard as she only replies that she is a magician after being asked by Haruto. Remembering that his friends preparing for her birthday party at the Okagedomo, Haruto takes Yu to the shop which they celebrate her birthday, until Haruto started to faints.
As he wakes up, Haruto notice that the next day is also Poitrine's birthday, which he realizes that this is the Gates' Underworld. After realizing that, Haruto decided to look for Shunpei and Rinko to see if it is really them. Haruto found them being attack by the worker and chief, so he uses the Sleep Ring on them. They decide to wonder about the Underworld which made Haruto thinks that it is a special one. As Haruto knowing that the day is repeated, he knew that the monsters are attacking the children. He arrive where the monsters are as Wizard Hurricane Style as they manage get the children to safety. Wizard finishes off the monsters before Yu arrive, however people started booing at Wizard and after the monsters are defeated, they started to act like zombies again and leaves. After the monsters are defeated, Yu appeared and tell Haruto that people are waiting for Poitrine. Haruto replies that it was her whose actually waiting for them instead. He wants her to go back to reality, but she thinks that reality is boring.
The children revealed that some time ago, they and Yu Kamimura had trapped by the Akumaizers. They convince Yu to willingly take part in their Infinite Monster Plant plan by telling her that in her Underworld, she can be whatever she wants as Xatan tells her that it would be better than her boring life as an office lady. But, still disagrees with their nefarious plans, Xatan cast a spell on her, causing Yu to be brainwashed into liking her new life and in her Underworld is immersed in a repeating fantasy where every day is her birthday and she's the beloved magical heroine Poitrine. In return, the Akumaizers use their machine to pull the monsters Poitrine fights into the real world for their Monster Army.
Gahra appears as he tell Yu that she can do anything in the Underworld, which she decide to make Haruto into her puppet. Haruto tries to stop her, however Yu teleports him to a wedding. As Haruto trying to get her to return to reality, Rinko and Shunpei arrive, along with the children where they are. The children trying to get Yu back into her normal self. Haruto tells her that there is someone that needed her whose not a puppet, which she manage to get herself free from the magic that Akumaizer use. After freeing herself, they return back to the city, which made Gahra wondering why the magic didn't work. Haruto and Yu transforms and fight Gahra. After Gahra is defeated, he morphs into a monstrous bald herring bird called Gahratcho. Wizard summon WizarDragon and finishes the Gahratcho with the Strike End Rider Kick. After the fight, Potirine thank Wizard as they are about to return to reality. However, Xatan and Eel appear taking Poitrine away from Wizard, which he have to save.

Movie War Ultimatum
Back in the main world, as Koyomi is about to be attacked by Lion-Kurage Yummy, Kamen Rider Fourze, Meteor, and Nadeshiko appears and take the Yummies down along with the Ghouls with Meteor picked the Tsunugget that came along with them. Puzzled, Koyomi asks who they are as Fourze replies that they are Wizard’s friends. Meanwhile, Wiseman reveals to Phoenix and Medusa that when the Akumaizers throw the fully charged Zeber into the Ocean of Magic beneath the Underworld, the outside world will be overflown with enough magic energy to kill all humans. Upon learning the situation from Koyomi, Fourze produces a Fourze Engage Ring (much to Koyomi's confusion since there's no way he should have a Magic Ring) on Yu’s hand and making it press the Cosmic Switch button, causing a portal to the Underworld to appear. The three riders jump into it.
As Wizard exhausted, Fourze and his friend appears, taking out the remnants of the army. Gentaro rescues Haruto as a reward from his earlier assistance, but Haruto claims to not know him. However, the Akumaizers send a larger force to deal with the Kamen Riders as they escape with Poitrine and the Zeber. As Koyomi is about to be attacked by Ghouls that have emerged from the machine she is saved by Eiji Hino, who was called by Gentaro earlier, replying that Riders should help each other and uses his powers to reach the children in the Underworld and grant them Magic Rings which they use to summon Kamen Riders OOO, Birth, Double, and Accel into action. With Eel destroyed, Wizard is about to destroy Xatan but instead, it kills Gahra, who sacrifice himself to save his comrade. At the outside, the summoned Riders along with Nadeshiko and Meteor performs the Rider Kick to destroy the armored car causing it to be crashed on the lava. Everyone relieves that the battle is over as the summoned Riders vanished.
However, Xatan jumped out of the molten lava while retrieving back the Zeber from Fourze and the armored car transform into Zaiderbeck. As Fourze changes into Meteor Nadeshiko Fusion States, Poitrine uses the last of her magic to create a ring for Wizard which changes him into Special Rush. As the Riders change into their new form, they started to attack the Zaiderbeck before it land on the Ocean of Magic. After the Zaiderbeck is damaged, Wizard and Fourze use their Rider Kicks to destroy Xatan and the Zeber. After the battle is over, they return to reality.
Gentaro ask Haruto to return the Fourze Driver to his past self as he use the Time Ring to return Gentaro and his friends to their time. The children wakes up having no memory in the the Underworld, however Yu wakes up and still remembering the events. As she remove the mask, it reveals that the manager is Yu Kamimura. Haruto is horrified as he tells him that they already met before and simultaneously shocked and dismayed by this turn of events, apparently having been attracted to Yu during their time together with Yu starting to chase him due to their previous promises.
Back to 5 years later, Nadeshiko leaves the Earth as XVII brought her along. Gentaro learns from Saburo that he and his friends will rename their team as Shonen League dedicating themselves to fight those who abuse their psychic powers and the Kamen Rider Club along with Miyoko lends him their support. The former members of the club also watches them happily as they sadly accept that the Fourze Driver is destroyed. Kengo and Yuki assure their friends feel that Gentaro and the Fourze Driver are connected and that it would return if needed, as Gentaro and his students take the photograph that was left behind. While the past Gentaro picks up the class picture that was left behind, he is approached by Haruto who returns his Fourze Driver. Gentaro is confused, not knowing who Haruto is as he is given a friendship handshake. Haruto then gives him the Fourze Engage Ring his future self used previously, claiming that he will eventually need it before promising to see him in five years.
After the credits, a golden Kamen Rider appears, taking a ring and scans it on his belt, causing an orange mantle with a falcon motif to appear on it’s right shoulder. The Kamen Rider declares "It's feeding time" as he jumps off a building ready to reveal himself to Haruto.

File Information
Format : MP4
File Size : 1277 MB
Resolution : 848 x 480
Duration : 01:57:56
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English (Hardsubbed by TV-Nihon)


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Source : TV-NihonKRDLKamen Rider Wiki

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